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EMAC 2023 Annual

Data oriented culture, big data marketing affordances & international venture performance of industrial SMEs

Published: May 24, 2023


Evangelia Katsikea, ICN Business School, Paris & CEREFIGE, University of Lorraine; Marios Theodosiou, University of Cyprus; Oluyomi Alarape, Wragby Business Solutions & Technologies; Christophe Rethore, ICN Business School, Paris & CEREFIGE, University of Lorraine


Big data technologies and analytics provide contemporary organizations with valuable insights regarding the characteristics and behavior of customers, which can serve as the basis for developing effective marketing strategies and tactics. Big data availability is particularly important for firms that transcend national boundaries and deal with customers under varying environmental and market conditions. To contribute towards expanding knowledge in this emerging field, the present study reports the findings of an empirical study conducted among Nigerian B2B firms that engage in international operations. Our results indicate that a data-oriented culture influences big data availability and real-time market responsiveness in foreign markets. We also find support for a positive influence of big data availability and real-time market responsiveness on data-driven market ambidexterity. In turn, data-driven market ambidexterity has a positive impact on international venture performance.